+49 7248 933-500
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Special rotating unit with electricity

Innovative solutions
for mechanical engineering

We are the experts

We plan our electronical rotation units according to your case of application. Besides electronic-rotation units our product program includes combined rotary distributors. We combine medium-rotary-units with electrical-rotary-units.

electronical rotation unit (ERU)

We help you to realize your project with your technical requirements as: number of channels, cabel length and type of cable as well as security classification and other spezialized features.

electrical rotation unit

We realize your specified application requirements like cable length, number of channels, etc.

customized electronical rotation unit

For spezial requirements regarding medium and power working safely together in your case of application we have a solution.

electrical rotation unit – special variant

For spezial requirements regarding medium and power working safely together in your case of application we have a solution.

electronical rotary unit

The number of channels, cable length and -type, as well as cable safety-class and other special requirements will be realized by our team.

electrical rotation unit

The number of channels, cable length and -type, as well as cable safety-class and other special requirements will be realized by our team.

Get in Touch


In der Au 20 · 76307 Karlsbad  ·  Germany
phone: +49 7248  933 500